Ballot Voting
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Ballot Voting

Electronic ballot voting reduces response time drastically and eliminates the need to download forms. Customers have the option to immediately vote on a financial, board or management decision. This minimises the need for adjudicating proxies since voters do not need to be at a set venue in order to cast a decision.

The benefit extends to scenarios such as Board Decisions, Corporate Actions, Proxy Voting, Fund Changes and more.

  • Prepare Data and Distributions with Options in Reply
  • Notify Investors or Voters timeously to provide enough consideration to Reply
  • Ensure Delivery to Recipients and consider alternative channels for bounces
  • Automated collection of Voter responses and optional notification to audit authority
  • Automated reconciliation of responses and feedback to administrators
  • Full Audit trail and integrity of process and elections
Document Composition
Document Storage
Ballot Voting