Data Recovery Management
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Data Recovery Management

Hosted on our own private cloud infrastructure, our solutions span across two tier-3 data centres. Our primary data centre is hosted in Bryanston, a secondary in Randview with fibre-interconnectivity and a third site is used for offsite backup storage. BluePrint can be deployed in various configurations depending on the service level agreements with the client.

High availability:

critical application components are load balanced across the two data centres in an active-active mode. This real-time mirroring across the data centres means that there is always a data centre live and available: if one should falter, access would default to the other.

Warm Data Recovery:

application components are replicated between the data centres and can be brought up manually in the case of a disaster being declared. Both centres replicate one another exactly and only one is live and active. Where one should falter, the other is automatically activated for access.

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Data Recovery Management
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