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Get paid faster.

Our secure, online payment facilities make transactions immediate and easy for your customers with our billing engine. We’ve unbundled our payment services into two bespoke offerings; SecurePay and Customer Gateway.

Secure Pay is a secure Customer Payment Gateway, provided to clients to ensure their customers have a quick, easy and secure method to pay their bills. Our solution is bundled with QR codes on statements, secure links to email bodies and secure click-throughs on web portals.

Our payment solution has a secure and traceable link to the customer payments source (i.e. invoice) and allows secure payments across payment methods.

Our system:

  1. Tracks the delivery of payment confirmation
  2. Integrates with clients’ accounting systems for payment auditing
  3. Reports on and reconciles all payment transactions

Although our offering and solutions are very much technology driven, our approach is human-driven, because in the end, successful business happens when humans connect with humans.

Our business is making your business communicate better. InsideData is the next evolution of Complete Customer Communications Management.

Document Composition
Document Storage
Data Recovery Management
Ballot Voting