InsideData School Competition Backup
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Colour your school to brilliance with InsideData, and stand a chance to win school books to the value of R20 000 for your school!


Terms & Conditions Apply
Entries accepted until 31 October 2021.

As we are all part of this great Rainbow Nation, let’s add colour to our future generation! Studies show that using colour can improve learning by 55% – 78%.


Add colour to your school with the help of InsideData and stand a chance to win!


All you have to do is create a short, fun video recording of your learners and educators expressing WHY colour in educational material excites them? What makes it appealing? Why is it beneficial? How does it assist educators in the classroom? Share your video on our Facebook page ‘InsideData Group’, and the video with the most ‘Likes’ on the InsideData Facebook page wins! So don’t hold back, use colour and follow the most important rule: HAVE FUN!!!


  1. Take a video recording of your learners and educators expressing why colour in educational material excites them.
  2. Submit your video by sharing/posting it on the InsideData Group Facebook page.
  3. Reshare/repost your video on your schools Facebook page and ask your followers, learners and parents (school community) to go and like your video on the InsideData Facebook page.
  4. Remember, the video with the most likes wins, so share with friends and family and encourage them to go to our Facebook page and like your school’s video.

Why we do it

How we do it

Complete and submit your details below so we can contact you if you are the lucky school to win R20 000 worth of schoolbooks from InsideData!

    I have read, understood and agree to the Terms and Conditions.

    I would like to receive communication regarding your promotions and offers.